Moist Voice podcast

Ep31 - That's the news, Baby

Matthew "Norstar" North Season 1 Episode 31
  • I want to start by thanking anyone who gives us their time. Your support means the world. Below will be brief descriptions of this weeks topics.
  • My Socials Link -
  • “Let’s Talk about it" Segment.....
  • Topic -  (Quick) I hope you win the war that you’re scared to fight.
  • Mount Rushmore -We just go back and forth about how we can't decide on a topic.
  • What's the smallest hill you're willing to die on?
  • Light Refraction is why the mirror can see through the paper.
  • How man Stigs are there?
  • A quick news segment, but it's the news you need to hear.
  • Would you rather? - Christmas or Thanksgiving every day.
  • Urban Dictionary WOTW - proxy beef, tickle-me-elmo hole, road apple, Donald Ducking, dinkwad.
  • Jason complains about fasting again.